Safeguarding and child protection

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With Official Statement 87/A of 31 August 2023, the FIGC has provided for the adoption of measures that promote an inclusive culture and environment that ensure the dignity and respect for the rights of all players, in particular children, and guarantee equality and fairness, as well as enhance diversity.

With a view to the utmost respect for the values that have always inspired our activity, and in compliance with the above mentioned Statement, in order to prevent and oppose phenomena of abuse, violence and discrimination, Palermo Football Club S.p.A. has taken steps to

  • adopt a specific Model pursuant to Article 16 of Legislative Decree 36/2021 (‘Safeguarding Model’);
  • approve a specific Safeguarding Code of Conduct, annexed to the Organisation, Management and Control Model adopted by Palermo Football Club S.p.A. pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001;
  • appoint a Safeguarding Committee composed of: Enrico Maria Mancuso, Fabrizio Giambona, Sara Rosangela Montes. The reference is