On 26 May, the SSD Palermo Board of Directors approved the safety Regulations on health emergencies and further examined every consideration on the Sports Center, identified as a priority for the best development of our Partnership, the entire metropolitan area and the fans. The Board also had the opportunity to address the next two years’ budget which, following the health emergency, was put on the agenda at the request of Councilor Tony Di Piazza. At the request of the Chairman, the budget was reconfirmed entirely and unanimously. Within the Board, again and among other things, the Chief Executive Officer further updated the Councilors on the activities which have been carried out.
At the same meeting, the Board acknowledged and accepted the resignation of Tony Di Piazza as Vice Chairman of the Partnership (where he maintained his role as Councilor). These resignations were anticipated and reflect some misunderstandings, probably also arising from distance, with respect to roles and duties within the Partnership.
The new Palermo has been designed and organized according to a precise company structure, with well-defined rules, according to specific competences and respect, including institutional. Moreover, it is precisely the safeguarding of these roles and competences that has made it possible this year, also thanks to the invaluable work carried out by the Chief Executive Officer, to achieve outstanding results and, hopefully, will lead to the achievement of the set goals. The CEO’s work includes the setting up of the team and the technical staff in just two weeks, first place in the standings for the entire championship, a record number of subscribers, etc. The Partnership therefore believes it must respectfully await the decisions to be taken by the football governing authorities in the near future.
Palermo will always pursue the goals that are dear to its fans, basing every decision on fairness, respect and transparency. Every operative choice, in a logic of legitimate responsibility of the company roles, will consequently be exclusively aimed at achieving the partnership and sports results. This, obviously, will already begin from the next season on which the CEO has been actively working.
Clearly, the resignation will have no operational repercussions on the Partnership since all the powers have been assigned and reserved to the Chief Executive Officer since the beginning.
Dario Mirri
Chairman SSD Palermo