The President of Palermo F.C. s.p.a., Dario Mirri, expresses that the members’ meeting was held today unanimously (therefore with the votes in favor from Hera Hora s.r.l and the Amici Rosanero Organization), which has ruled the reconstitution of the social capital in order to completely absorb the acquired losses up until December 31st, 2020 and, at the same time, to increase it up to the amount of 10.734.030,20 euro, which completes the investments of the expected overall 15 million.
This way, the conditions for the better future growth of Palermo F.C. s.p.a. were created.
The increase will be entirely signed by Hera Hora s.r.l., keeping, however, in accordance with the statutory predictions, the weight of the Amici Rosanero Organization in the meeting, in an amount equal to 10% of the votes.
The President of Hera Hora s.r.l., moreover, informs that the members will assess if, once the given commitments are fulfilled, the company will still be functional for the project, which could move forward directly with Palermo F.C., simplifying the business processes.