Palermo FC's shareholders' meeting has nominated Antonello Perricone as the new administration's advisor, in response to the resignation of Tony di Piazza from the CDA. The palermitan manager has served for many years in the most prestigious roles in some of the biggest Italian companies of communication, transport, and industrial production, with particular regard in the world of media, at a national and internatinal level. Perricone - who has also been CEO of RCS, Sipra-RAI, La Stampa Publisher, and Maserati, as well as president of Magnolia, Publikompass, NTV, and many others - will put his well-known and unquestionable experience at the disposal of Palermo FC, strategically contributing in increasing the appeal of the club in all levels.
14 July 2021 - 18:50
Antonello Perricone is the new component of Palermo’s CDA