Palermo FC announces that the 2024-2025 season accreditation requests to attend the Rosanero Club’s press conferences starting from 1st July 2024 must be sent by 12pm on Friday 28th June, exclusively to the email address specifying as the object “Request for 2024-2025 seasonal press conference accreditation (newspaper)”.
All requests, on headed paper and signed by the director in charge, must be complete with the list of authorized Press Operators for each individual newspaper with the respective OdG card number for each accredited journalist.
In the event that a collaborator does not possess this last requirement, the responsible director must certify the preparatory activity carried out to obtain the professional card.
Each newspaper will be allowed to include a maximum of 2 collaborators in its list who do not have the OdG card.
The general list of seasonal accreditations can be modified by sending a request to, exclusively from 31st January to 7th February 2025.